creating multiple obj's in JS.

creating multiple obj's in JS.

--- there are multiple methods to create multiple obj's.

1) By using object literals.

2)By using the factor function.

3)By using a constructor function.

4) By using JS classes.

---object literal -


let obj = {

name : "something",

age : 00,

journey : function(){




(for obj literal we create multiple objs individually)


---factory function-

(factory function is any function that returns a new OBJ for every function call)


function createBike(color, brand) {

return {

color: color,

brand: brand,

start :function(){





  • (we can also use the short-hand notation for keys and values inside an obj )

ex:- {




  • we've to make sure that the keys and parameter names matches accurately while using the short-hand method.

  • uses camelCase notation.

let bike1 = createBike("red", "ninja");

let bike2 = createBike("blue","ola");

etc.... (when we make a function call with args we get a new obj)


---Constructor function-

A regular function that returns a new object on calling with new operator.

function CallingFun(color, brand){

this.color = color;

this.brand = brand;

this.start = function(){



let obj1 = new CallingFun("blue","audi");

let obj2 = new CallingFun("red","bmw");


  • The created obj (obj1, obj2).... is called an instance.

  • obj1.color, obj1.brand is called an instance properties.

  • obj1.start is called an instance method.

  • This keyword refers to the newly created object.

  • when a function is called with new operator it will create a empty obj and assign it to this variable and returns this.

  • When the constructor function is called using the new operator and no value is passed, the this keyword will refer to the global object.

  • uses PascalCase notation.


class Person {

constructor(name, age) { = name;

this.age = age; }


const person1 = new Person("John Doe", 30);

const person2 = new Person("Jane Doe", 25);



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